Posted in: CNC, Projects

Linksprite DIY CNC info/stats/mods

Just to keep track of what I’ve done, current settings, mods, and measurements.

Controller: (CNCjs)

Chuck upgrade:

Limit switches:
it appears that bolting the limit switches directly onto the z carriage is causing them to trigger due to vibration.. need to figure out a dampening option, or make grbl ignore the jitters somehow. For now, I am unplugging them after homing.

Upgrade to grbl 1.1 steps:

following the steps outlined here…/Compiling-Grbl

ArduinoIDE settings were as follows:
board: Arduino duemilanove or diecimilia
Processor: ATmega328
port: /dev/cu.wchusbserial1410

Tslot stats:

After installing the upgraded chuck I found myself limited to 26mm of z axis, so I replaced the vertical posts with taller ones getting me closer to 40mm of z
6mm depth
6.1mm or .2 opening IW
11mm inner race
2.5ish mm race width

result of $$ post upgrades:

RESP: $0=10
RESP: $1=25
RESP: $2=0
RESP: $3=4
RESP: $4=0
RESP: $5=0
RESP: $6=0
RESP: $10=0
RESP: $11=0.010
RESP: $12=0.002
RESP: $13=0
RESP: $20=1
RESP: $21=1
RESP: $22=1
RESP: $23=0
RESP: $24=25.000
RESP: $25=500.000
RESP: $26=250
RESP: $27=1.000
RESP: $30=3500
RESP: $31=70
RESP: $32=0
RESP: $100=800.000
RESP: $101=800.000
RESP: $102=800.000
RESP: $110=1200.000
RESP: $111=1200.000
RESP: $112=500.000
RESP: $120=10.000
RESP: $121=10.000
RESP: $122=10.000
RESP: $130=130.000
RESP: $131=80.000
RESP: $132=38.494

LINKS: – Linksprite CNC forum


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