Starting the planning for an overlanding trailer with the intent to see if i can join the digital nomad lifestyle.
One more week of downtime for the stream
Hey guys, I have picked up a few items and software to test, as well as a nice juicy failure from moving servers that I can’t wait to get to. But for now, I’m head down on unrelated stuff. Hoping to get back into action next week.
OBS Blade
When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.Project page Wanted to share this as I’ve been using it. This app is my first dip in the world of “stream deck” like functionality, and while I find it very useful, I’m not sure it will remain my primary interface. On […]
Stream uploaded Doing some basic API and CRUD operations. or at least starting them after cleaning up so.. er “refactoring” Thanks for hanging out, as always!
New video uploaded Poking around on the “Client side” of the bot, hoping to add some more functionality. Then extending some API type stuff to enable it. I’ve started adding blog posts to, so check it out if you are into reviews and maybe some writeups of my lab work. Thanks for hanging out, as always!
Nvidia Jetson TX1 as K8s gpu node
Incomplete, these steps did not complete a working instance. Will follow up with other attempts. How It Began:This journey started as many in the homelab often do, with a “Wouldn’t it be cool if?”. Wells, lets find out. First, lets outline what is the expected outcome, then we can evaluate the hurdles as they come […]
Deploying Drone by Harness to k8s
Prologue: I was happy, or so I thought. For what felt like the hundredth time I noticed a red circle next to the bell on my Jenkins server. Something was out of date enough to pose a security risk. Did I care? Well I was currently streaming, so I sort of guess I have to […]
Another day another OpenSSH vulnerability
Seems like every other day OpenSSH seems to be under fire. This is in all honesty a good thing, finding and disclosing these things is good for everyone. But I have said it before, and I’ll say it again. If you are running a homelab and have SSH exposed, please consider running a VPN instead. […]
Installing node on debian based linux – update
Well, it’s quite a different affair now. Most places seem to be getting in on the “run this script, it’ll handle it for you” train, and I can’t say I dislike it. New way:via nodejs.orgcurl -o- | bashnvm install # Old way:So yeah, installing node is sort of a stupid round about adventure in […]
Sonoff T3US2C tasmota
You can probably find these instructions spread out via various sites fairly easily. I know it didn’t take me long. I’m putting together my list specifically so I remember WTF I did. Raspi Flash setupsetup the esptool for the raspberry PI the serial port is /dev/ttyS0 when configured “properly”<get picture of proper wire configuration here> […]